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Hello There Squad Pack - Star Wars Shatterpoint

Tilbudspris 259,00 kr. Normalpris 329,00 kr.

Forventet release juni 2023

En ikonisk Jedi-general og hans allierede indtræder i duellerne i Star Wars: Shatterpoint i denne pakke!

Obi-Wan Kenobi, en af Republikkens mest ikoniske helte, kæmper for at dæmme op for Separatist-truslen uanset prisen, og denne pakke tilføjer ham, Clone Commander Cody og to fase II Clone Troopers fra den berømte 212th Attack Battalion til Star Wars: Shatterpoint.

Uanset om du bruger dem sammen som en hel gruppe eller kombinerer dem med andre figurer, er de smukt skulpturelle miniaturer i denne pakke ledsaget af alle de kort, som spillerne har brug for for at slippe deres unikke evner løs på slagmarken.


An iconic Jedi General and his allies enter the duels of Star Wars: Shatterpoint in this pack!

One of the Republic's most iconic heroes, Obi-Wan Kenobi fights to contain the Separatist threat no matter the cost and this pack adds him, Clone Commander Cody, and two Phase II Clone Troopers from the renowned 212th Attack Battalion to Star Wars: Shatterpoint.

Whether using them together as full squad or combining them with other characters, the beautifully sculpted miniatures in this pack are accompanied by all the cards players need to unleash their unique abilities on the battlefield.